

One of the sisters just read me a reflection on faithfulness, published in Fools Fables.  The whole piece was interesting to me, but the part I can relate to most was this:
"In short, being a "faithful fool" is to give without asking anything in return.  The reward is greater than imagined.  It is to see "someone" who has a name and age in better condition than when we met them.  It is to seek and find oneself in the other; a relief to exist with reasons for the life that extends beyond our nose."  (by Danilo Ortiz, Ecuador)(see http://www.faithfulfools.org/)

Thank you, Danilo.  I hope I can do this for you sometime if you ever get to come to where I live.


Start the New Year With Sun Dog

On New Year's afternoon, we spotted a rainbow by the sun:  a sun dog!  It was more visible to the eye, they tell me, than it is on this photo.  You can, however, see it over the pond between the Wellness Center and the flag.

To me such a special occurrence in our solar system is much like the gift of Christmas itself:  the Light of the Word, the Son of God, interacting with Creation.  The sun dog phenomenon is due to interaction of light from the sun with material particles in the atmosphere.

Isn't it interesting that this pillar of light by the sun is called a dog?

Here is a photo of me with Sister Paula.  See any resemblance between me and the sun dog?  I'm thinking about it.