
Welcome All Strangers?

There has been a lot of human talk about immigration and immigrants lately.  Would you be surprised to know that I have first hand experience of welcoming immigrants?  Probably not.  You already know my mission is welcoming, but do you know it includes being gracious to those of my own species no matter where they come from?  They have canine qualities same as I do and I don't understand this business of picking and choosing for reasons which only insult all of us.

It seems that creatures of every ilk pick and choose who they will be gracious to and who not.  For instance, there are humans who welcome me and not cats, and some who welcome cats and not me.  Now that really has nothing to do with us cats and dogs-- if it did, I think there'd be more consistency.  For myself, if it moves I probably like it.  This might surprise you:  I have a friend who is a Mexican dog.  He is a Chihuauah and when I asked him for his papers, he didn't know what I was talking about.  I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any proper papers.
But Akitcheeta (Keechi)  is a fun Chihuahua who visits me almost every week.  The above picture catches him in the middle of a fun chase.  We get along well.  Well, I admit, I quick clean out my dish of food when I see him coming but I let him come in!  I visit regularly with the Irish Setters from next door and with the Black Lab from down the road, too.  I think those who say diversity is the spice of life are right on.


Winter News From the Well

The biggest news you all know already:  no snow.  This works for me because I can easily find my way around the yard and down the driveway by feeling the grass where it meets the gravel. 

This leads me to wonder, what do you use to guide you as you make your way through the day?  I stay close to the ground (obviously); that seems like a good starter for anyone. "Keep your feet on the ground."   How much time do you spend outside in contact with the ground?  What difference does contact with ground make for you?  I'd like to hear about it.

Other news is that Carol is still in Nicaragua and Paula and Jan miss her a lot.  None of us is quite the same without her.  She returns on the 21st.  She said this will be her last year to go on this trip; however, we've all heard that before -- what's your guess about whether or not she'll come home with plans to go again next year?